Hearthstonme spellhunter
Hearthstonme spellhunter

Lesser Emerald Spellstone – If you have some early game Secrets already.Flanking Strike – If you have rest of the curve already (like 2 mana play into 3 mana play).Eaglehorn Bow – With a Secret to play on Turn 2.Skipping Turn 2 is really bad against Aggro. Animal Companion – If you have something to play on Turn 2 already.Lower Priority (Keep only if certain conditions are met) Grievous Bite – Good removal against faster decks, especially when combined with Candleshot to set everything up.Explosive Trap – Faster decks want to flood the board and dealing 2 AoE damage for 2 mana is definitely a great way to counter that.It is very likely that your opponent will attack with a 1-drop, it will kill off his 1-drop and you will still have a minion alive on the board to trade into something else. Wandering Monster – Probably the best Secret against Aggro.You get 3 pings for just 1 mana and it doesn’t cost you any health, which is a big issue when facing a deck that wants to rush you down. Candleshot – Great weapon vs aggressive decks.Spell Hunter Mulligan Strategy & Guide VS Fast Decks

hearthstonme spellhunter

We’ve listed a popular version of Spell Hunter below, we’ll be updating the guide soon! Deck List Between the fact that it didn’t get nerfed at all, and the fact that some of the bad matchups are gone, it is now a solid choice to ladder with. While the deck wasn’t initially very popular, because it had a bunch of bad matchups, it’s now the most played Hunter archetype on the ladder. However, since the combo has rotated out, Spell Hunter had to go back to the more “fair” card choice – To My Side!, which isn’t a bad card, it’s just not a massive swing like Barnes is. It was very simple – playing Barnes on T4 (which you hard mulliganed for) resulted in him pulling the 1/1 version of Y’Shaarj (since it was the only other minion in your deck), which pulled the 10/10 version – that was an instant win in lots of matchups. Kobolds & Catacombs version of the decks opted to run the Barnes + Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound combo. Combine this with the explosive potential of the Lesser Emerald Spellstone and spells-matter Rhok'delar, and we have a spicy combination that took Hunter into a completely different direction. The release of Deathstalker Rexxar gave Hunters a reliable way to generate cards as a late-game engine with the Zombeast hero power. Hunter has a tendency to empty its hand quickly, with no real way to replenish those expended resources (the exception being one-for-one effects like Stampede or Lock and Load that replace spent cards, with obvious downsides). Secret Hunter had a brief moment in the sun, but secrets themselves lack “oomph” in the late-game.

hearthstonme spellhunter

Face, Hybrid, and Midrange Hunters all thrive off of the strength and efficiency of their creatures, backed up by versatile spells. Hunter has always had a heavy reliance on creatures, particularly beasts, as part of its class identity.


Our Spell Hunter deck list guide will go through the ins-and-outs of the most popular Hunter build from The Boomsday Project! This guide will teach you how to mulligan, pilot, and substitute cards for this archetype! Introduction to Spell Hunter

Hearthstonme spellhunter